A Taste of Copper by Elin Gregory

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A Taste of Copper


Elin Gregory


Published date 26 September, by Love Lane Books.

Cover Art by: Meredith Russell



Your master has the field for today, but his name, whatever it might be, is without honour.

Olivier the squire worships the Black Knight and takes a fierce joy in his prowess as he defends a bridge against all comers. Olivier only wishes that his master loved him as much in return instead of treating him as a servant and occasional plaything.

Then word comes that the King desires to cross the bridge. With an army approaching, a bright eyed archer enticing him to desert and the first cracks beginning to show in the Black Knight’s gruff demeanour, Olivier is left wondering if his honour is worth more than a chance for happiness. 

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The herald drew breath to speak, but the archer interrupted with a sharp bark of laughter. “One man to impede passage of an army? Where are we? Back in the days of the troubadours? Is his name Roland, then?”

His voice had a pleasant sing-song lilt to it, and Olivier was glad he had spoken because now he could look at him properly. The silver embroidery on his coat and the gold studs in the hilt of his dagger had suggested he enjoyed high favour, but the careless interruption confirmed it.

“And you are…?” Olivier demanded. “Your name, sir?”

The archer stepped up to the gelding’s shoulder and gave it a pat, his hand an inch or two from Olivier’s knee. He was studying Olivier minutely, gaze flicking from point of interest to point of interest before settling at his groin. The archer licked his lips, and Olivier felt his colour rise.




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Connect with Elin

Elin Gregory lives in South Wales and works in a museum in a castle built on the edge of a Roman fort! She reckons that’s a pretty cool job. It certainly provides more than enough inspiration for her writing.

“The button from a military jacket found in an orchard, a 16th century Venetian coin found between the cobbles of a Welsh street, a carnelian from a Roman signet ring – one can’t handle them without wondering who lost them, how much they regretted it and what kind of disaster was sparked off by the loss.”

Although Elin usually writes on historical subjects, she has also written contemporary and historical paranormals, science fiction, crime and a Western, none of which have, as yet, been published. She likes her heroes hard as nails but capable of tenderness when circumstances allow.




