Robyn Reads joins the blog!

Originally reviewing for Mrs Condit, Nic asked me to join ‘Because two men are better than one.’

As you probably know Becky Condit is retiring her blog and I needed a home. So here I am. I read entirely mm romance and last year read over 300 books. I’m probably not going to make that target this year as I’ve started writing, and this combined with ‘real life’ means reading has taken a back seat. Maybe not a back seat as such, just sharing the front seat with the others.

I’m dropping the ‘Reads’ from my name here and anything posted by me will just be ‘Robyn’.  I’m still Robyn Reads on Facebook and Goodreads, if you’re interested in being my friend and seeing what else I’m up to in the mm romance world, just click on the buttons below!
Big thank you to Nic Starr for having me – I look forward to a long friendship, within our ‘real lives’ as well as the blog. xxx

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