INTERVIEW: Meet Beany Sparks
Hi Beany. Welcome to Two Men and a big congratulations on the new release!
When we spoke about your upcoming book you mentioned it was the second in your Merman series and an ‘anti-Valentine’s Day story”. It sounds intriguing and leads to a few questions I wanted to ask.
First the obvious question. Why merman? What inspired you to write this series?
Beany: I was letting my mind wander, as usual, and I was thinking of Charmed and all of the episodes and the one where Phoebe becomes a mermaid popped into my head for a second before the plot bunny attacked. I never stood a chance…
Are the characters the same characters as in the first book, ‘Christmas, Snow, And…A Merman?”? (Cute title by the way ) or are we introduced to new characters?
Beany: They’re not the same main characters, but we were introduced to Erik and Aryell in Christmas, Snow and…a merman?
So what’s this about an anti-Valentine’s Day story?
Beany: Well in Merman Tales 1 my merman hated Christmas, this time Erik (human) hates Valentine’s Day and Aryell (merman) tries to change his opinion of the holiday.
What did you do for Valentine’s Day? Is Valentine’s something to like to celebrate?
Beany: Being single, I had no plans for the day except one–dentist. Well, that definitely got cancelled Lol. Instead I spent the day running errands with mum, after I burnt myself making breakfast.
What’s coming up next on your publishing schedule? Any secrets you can share with your readers?
Beany: Let’s see, now that Merman Tales 2 is done, I’ve got my short story (A Leash on Love) coming out in the MCB Quarterly Magazine, Paws and Magic 3 coming out possibly April, and another project that I’m hoping to self-publish in the next month or so.
What book is currently on your bedside table (assuming you have time for reading)?
Beany: I don’t really have a book, but only because I can’t stop reading a book until the its done…
Finally, I know you have a beautiful new puppy. Do you have a photo we can share with your readers?
Beany: Sure! Here is my little Koda.
This Valentine’s Day Erik gets a surprise visitor, but it’s not cupid. Not unless cupid is a sexy merman in disguise.
Time has passed, but Erik is still haunted by what happened to him at the hands of Dirk at Christmas. He’s been spending less time with his best friend Calder and, in turn, the one merman he wants, but doesn’t think he’ll ever have. With Valentine’s Day fast approaching he’s already making plans to avoid the world on the day.
Aryell has been staying with Calder and Tamesis since being reunited with his friend and leader at Christmas. While he enjoys spending time with the couple, it’s Calder’s best friend Erik that he’d rather spend time with, but the man avoids him and Aryell begins to wonder if maybe it’s time to return to the water.
One day changes everything and gives Aryell hope and new information. Can he convince Erik to give him a chance this Valentine’s Day, or will he be returning to his underwater home alone?
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About the author
Beany lives in Western Australia. She first started reading romance novels in 2008, but it wasn’t until January 2010 when her Kindle got delivered that the world of erotic romance opened its doors to her, and she hasn’t looked back. With suggestions and support from friends, her muse—”affectionately” known as PITA—was finally able to break free, and in January 2014 her first story was written. Since she can’t put PITA back in his box, Beany has decided to give in and team up with him. Together they’ve made plans to write both MF and MM stories.
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