GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Wolf In League by AF Henley
Today’s post brings us to the final one for the Wolf, in League blog tour and giveaway. I am very grateful to Because Two Men are Better than One for giving me this venue to celebrate with you all, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour. For those who are joining the tour for the first time, I am so happy that you caught up with us. Let me sum up what we’ve been doing…
Wolf in League is the third novel in the Wolf series, and to celebrate I’ve been running a “tiny teaser” blog tour highlighting moments and people in the novel. It’s been a lot of work, and a lot of fun, and I can only hope that I’ve managed to pass on even one-tenth of the excitement that I’ve been feeling over this novel for the last year or so. I have a little more than just excerpts for you, though.
In keeping with tradition for the Wolf series blog tours, there’s also giveaway. One winner, tour-wide, is going to walk away with a signed, print copy of Wolf in League, a “crystal and silver” diamante Howling Wolf Pendant, and a $20 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market. That’s right, one winner takes the whole lot. Follow the post to the end to find out how to play along.
And now, the final teaser, and one last look at the new novel. If you enjoy it, please consider grabbing your own copy. I would absolutely love to hear what you think of the novel…
Tiny Teaser: Post 13
It took several seconds for Matthew’s thoughts to gather cohesion. He’d been dreaming, and it had been a very good dream indeed—a dream that was made up of snapshot images of tongues and fingers and slippery wet penises that came from everywhere, but at the same time, all belonged to Gavin. He knew that in the way a dream’s eye always knew what was familiar and what was not.
It had been a dream that was displaced and fragmented… and that had somehow made it seem all the more erotic. All those parts of Gavin, multiplying, searching him out and filling him up in every way possible, drawing him in and wrapping around him at the very same time. It was not a dream where a mere demand to “wakey, wakey” would be enough to free him. Besides, it couldn’t be morning. Not yet.
He turned his head away, found that his face was still against Gavin’s shoulder, and buried himself into the hollow of Gavin’s neck, a spot that the blanket, and maybe even his own breath, had finally found a way to warm. He slid his hand across Gavin’s chest, tucked it under Gavin’s arm, and clenched Gavin closer. A light, pleased sigh was breathed into his hair.
“Yes, yes,” someone said. “Much adorable. Very sweet.”
It was a voice Matthew didn’t recognize at all. Whether Gavin caught that thought, had his own moment of realization, or merely noticed that Matthew was moving, both of them reacted in tandem.
Matthew sat up, staring wildly around the room. Gavin sat up behind him, cursed, and tried to catch Matthew’s waist before Matthew could rise. Matthew moved one iota faster than Gavin and stood, grasping pointlessly at the blanket that was already flumping to the floor.
A stranger! No… two. Not even two, but four!
The strangers were pale, so very, very pale that their skin glowed in the darkness. Matthew’s insides filled with horror. He didn’t need a name. One of them had to be Arius. Had to be.
Even so, he stuttered, “W-who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?”
The strangers seemed to completely ignore his questions.
Matthew heard Gavin rise before he felt Gavin’s body press against his. But for the socks on Matthew’s feet, they were both as naked as the day they’d been born. He felt vulnerable and exposed, and his left hand fell to cover his groin, as if that was going to do a darn thing to help.
“Not an entirely unattractive picture, is it?” one of the strangers said. He clicked his tongue and stared at Gavin. “And look at you, sir. What a cozy little nest you have going on here. Brilliant set up.” His gaze slipped to the side and he eyed Matthew with an advancing grin. “I think we’ll take it.”
Wolf, in League Excerpt
© AF Henley, 2016
Wolf, in League
It’s been months since anyone at the Committee has had any contact from the O’Connell family or their pack members, and they are not happy. Suspicious of the activities that took place in D.C. and determined to find out what the wolves are up to, the Committee recruits one of their newest residents, Doctor Matthew Dietrich, to play the part of neighbor and infiltrate the family.
Matthew has always been a keep-to-himself kind of person. Though idealistic and optimistic, he prefers to work in solitude, at night, while he researches the findings that he hopes will one day change the world. When he’s approached by the executives of the Center, he has no idea why they’d choose him. And to say he is skeptical over the concept of men that can shift into wolves would be an understatement. Until he meets his new partner, the man that will play the part of his “husband” in the Committee’s scheme, Doctor Gavin Strauss.
Genre: Gay, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Notes: Wolf, in League contains some explicit and violent content
Book 3 in the Wolf series
Buy Link
Less Than Three Press
The Giveaway

On behalf of the tour, please join the giveaway by taking part in the Rafflecopter below. The prize consists of a signed, print copy of Wolf in League, a “crystal and silver” diamante Howling Wolf Pendant, and a $20 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market.
For all the terms and conditions, please check out the t’s and c’s posted on the Rafflecopter.
** Please note that this giveaway is being offered tour-wide and there will be one winner awarded for the entire event.
As always, my thanks to Because Two Men are Better than One for hosting today’s final post, and a great big thank you to you, as well, for joining me. Best of luck with the giveaway and I hope you enjoyed the post!
Until next time,
AF Henley <3