EXCERPT: Beat of My Heart by Sheri-Lynn Marean
He was supposed to mate a female, then he met a lone wolf who set his world on fire …

His destiny is to free the Raizarch wolves from the vampire king …
… but to do so he must mate a female he doesn’t know or love.
All his life, Toren knew he was different but could never understand why.
Until a lone wolf—Zeveride—temporarily joins their pack. A handsome male with vivid green eyes, he takes Toren’s breath away and makes him want things he shouldn’t.
For the Okami wolves, life is about the survival of their species. As the heir of the Okami king, Toren’s life is already laid out before him—the Okami king’s youngest son of mating age must mate the Raizarch king’s youngest daughter in order to fee the wolves.
How can Toren refuse? And if he did, how would he ever live with himself?
Yet, as disaster strikes and he and Zeveride grow closer, the harder it becomes for Toren to accept his fate. When Zeveride finally leaves to make things easier on the both of them, Toren tries to forget him. Except he can’t forget. What’s worse, as the days go by, Toren can feel that Zeveride is in trouble.
Get it now and feel the beat of your heart as these two wolves navigate an impossible love.
Purchase directly from the author: https://www.sheri-lynnmarean.com/books/9-beat-of-my-heart-coming-soon/

I look at the handsome, dark-haired male seated across from me. He was intense, but there was a quiet patience about him. “You’re a wolf, right? What is your name?”
Piercing green eyes meet mine. “I am, and it’s Zeveride.”
I knew the Okami wolves didn’t have last names, so I wasn’t surprised when I only got a first name. “Who are your parents?”
“My mother was Mesina,” his tone changes from sad to stern, “and my father was Vortag.”
I note the past tense used. “They aren’t still in your life?”
“No, they’re dead.” There was a sense of anger about him now.
“I’m so sorry,” I say softly, then cock my head as I imagine him as a young child. He was stunning as a grown male, so I could only imagine how beautiful he’d been as a little boy. “Zeveride is a unique name. Does it have any particular meaning?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know if it’s true, but my mother used to say it meant shining hope.”
“Shining hope.” I smile. “It’s wonderful. You must miss her. How long ago did she die?”
“I do, and I was ten when they all died.”
“I take it your father wasn’t a very nice male?” I ask.
Zeveride’s eyes blazed. “He was a monster who hurt everyone around him.” Bitterness fills his voice. “He’s the reason my mother and pack died.”
“How so?” I ask.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” The expression on his face was closed off.
“I understand, and again I’m sorry for your loss. That can’t have been easy for a child of ten.” I want to reach across the table and squeeze his hand, but don’t. I’m not his therapist or mate. I’m his interviewer and need to remember that, no matter how much I ache to offer comfort.
“It wasn’t, and thank you.” The tension leaves him.
“How old are you?” I ask.
“Thirty-two.” He grins. “Though sometimes I feel a hundred and thirty-two.”
“I think at times we all feel like that.” I smile. “So, what have you done with your life for the last twenty-two years?”
“I’ve traveled, mostly.”
“Were you looking for something?” I ask.
“Yes, and no.” He stops abruptly.
“What is it?” I ask, curious now.
His gaze narrows on me. “You know I’m Okami, right?”
I nod. “Yes, you’re a wolf shifter.”
“And so then you know we often have … gifts?”
I grin. “I do. Will you tell me what yours is?”
He gives a deep sigh. “I don’t know if it’s a gift or curse. I’ve often felt like it was a curse.” He drags the fingers of his right hand through his long black hair. “There’s something in me that makes me go places. I call it the pull. It’s directed me to most places I ended up and not always good ones.” Then his face brightens. “Although the last time I felt it, it changed my life.”
“How is that?”
“It took me to my soul mate.” There’s a look of love in his eyes.
“A soul mate, that’s wonderful.” I smile, happy for him.
“It is, though it was a bit of a rough ride,” he says, a look of chagrin on his face.
“Finding and holding love is not always easy,” I say.
He nods. “It definitely wasn’t.”
“But you made it through,” I say. “What is your soul mate’s name?”
A dreamy look enters his eyes. “Toren, and he’s the most beautiful male I’ve ever met.” His gaze sharpens on me again. “He calls me Zev, and he’s the beat of my heart.”
“Did you always know you liked men? I mean, males?” I quickly correct myself to use the proper term for non-humans.
He nods. “Yes, always. But Toren didn’t.”
“But he’s figured it out now,” I say.
He smiles. “Yes, he has.”
“I’m so happy for you,” I say, unable to stop smiling myself. “So tell me, where do you and Toren live?”
“I can’t tell you our exact location, as we have enemies after us all the time, but we’re in Washington State.”
“Enemies, you mean the Ilyium?” I ask, aware the druid witches have been after all supes for the last thousand years.
“Yes, and they’ve recently allied themselves with some night and daywalkers.” He lets out a little growl. “I hate vampires.”
“Not all night and daywalkers are bad,” I say, perplexed.
“No, probably not, but all that I’ve ever met are,” he answers, anger flaring again in his eyes.
I decide to change the subject. “So tell me, what are some things you like?”
He thinks about it for a moment, then relaxes. “I love sitting on the ledge of a mountain overlooking miles of hills and valleys as far as the eye can see. I love watching the sun rise and set with the male I love.” He smiles. “I love the feeling of calm and peace, as night turns to day and day to night. The pale rays of the sun heat my face while my Toren snuggles close and warms my body and soul. I love the feel of his eyes on me. The caress of his touch and the sound of his voice. The blue of his eyes and silkiness of his long red hair.” He stops and shrugs again, his face heating up. “That’s probably not what you were expecting to hear.”
I laugh. “It’s so much better than anything I expected, especially the normal I like blue, and my favorite food is pizza answers. You’re a romantic.”
He laughs. “I’m not sure I’m the romantic, but Toren is, so maybe he’s rubbing off on me.”
I look at my notes. “Now for a harder question. Tell me, Zeveride, what do you want more than anything?” I ask.
“That’s easy,” he says. “I want the Ilyium to stop hunting us and let us. I want to be able to live in peace with my mate and pack, and not have to worry about when the next attack will be. Not have to fight ever again, but watch as my people grow and live and love and laugh.”
“I can certainly understand that. Do you think it will happen anytime soon?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No. I don’t think it will ever happen.” Determination fills his gaze. “So I will do what I have to in order to protect those I love.”
“I know you will,” I say sincerely, getting a pretty clear picture of who and what Zeveride is. “Last question. What is your greatest fear?” I ask, pretty sure I know the answer.
“That I won’t be fast or strong enough, and they will all die.”
“You’re pack and mate?” I ask.
He nods.
“I hope that won’t happen,” I say. “And while I know you’ll do everything you can to keep them safe, sometimes fate has a say as well.”
“Yeah, I hate those bitches too,” he says, and we both laugh.
“They can be meddlesome, can’t they?” I say.
He grins, then we both stand up, and this time I hug him. “You’re Toren is a lucky male, and I wish you both a very long, happy life.”
About the author
When Canadian Author Sheri-Lynn Marean wasn’t bringing home stray animals, she used to pretend to race horses around the yard, a dream that came true as a teenager when she went to work with racehorses. At the same time, her love for reading kicked in—no matter what, she always had a book to read. After discovering her niche in the vivid and exciting paranormal romance and fantasy world, Sheri-Lynn challenged herself to write her own stories. Inspired by the Authors, shows, and the tortured characters she loved, she decided upon immortals who change into dragons—if they survive the transformation. The Dracones; Cursed & Hunted came to life.
Sheri-Lynn has nineteen published stories. Most of her work is steamy paranormal/fantasy romance set in 52 realms, and contain evil villains, mystery, and twists. And while she has a poly trio in Dracones Thaniel, and a reverse harem novella called Fantasy Lovers, Beat of my Heart was her first MM story. Sheri-Lynn Marean writes the characters as they are, no matter of race, skin color, fur, wings, scales, or love interests. Her desire in life is for everyone to find their life mate.
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